“Even now, says the Lord, return to me with your whole heart..... ”
Our Lord is continually inviting us to return, to let go and rest in God’s arms. Are you desiring a deeper connection with God in your prayer? If so, an individually-directed retreat can help you to communicate more effectively with God and attune the ear of your heart to receive God’s response to you. Just getting into the practice of daily communication with God can make a difference in your life.
In this retreat you will pray daily and meet weekly with an Ignatian prayer guide. Your guide will help you to reflect on your experience of God each week and become more attentive to what God is doing in your prayer and life.
Pray daily for about 30 minutes
Journal your experience so that you can recall for your weekly meeting with your guide
Practice Ignatian methods of prayer.
Grow in awareness of God’s self-communication to you.
Meet with your guide at a mutually agreed upon date and time each week for approximately 45 - 60 minutes.
NOTE: There are a limited number of prayer guides available.
COST OF RETREAT: $45 - $90, scholarships are always available.
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, February 4, 2024