
The Center

The Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City assists people as they explore and deepen their relationship with God in Jesus Christ. We base our ministry on the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola who developed the Spiritual Exercises and founded the society of Jesus.


The Center

The Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City assists people as they explore and deepen their relationship with God in Jesus Christ. We base our ministry on the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola who developed the Spiritual Exercises and founded the society of Jesus.

History of the Ignatian Spirituality Center 



In the late 1980s, Jesuits from Rockhurst University, St. Francis Xavier Parish and Rockhurst High School began providing opportunities for lay people to experience the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola. Over the next 10 years the numbers of people making the Spiritual Exercises increased each year. Interest grew rapidly! 

Alumni, whose lives had been radically changed, campaigned for an organized program to train prayer guides in the Ignatian tradition for the sole purpose of helping more lay people to make the Spiritual Exercises.

Fr. James Blumeyer, S.J.

Fr. James Blumeyer, S.J.

In August 2001, an Ignatian Spirituality Program was formally established in Kansas City with St. Francis Xavier Church serving as its base of operation. Fr. James Blumeyer, S.J. was appointed Assistant Pastor at the parish with the operation of the program as his primary responsibility.

The program grew into the Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City, serving the Kansas City Metropolitan area with short Ignatian prayer programs and providing training and strong support for Ignatian prayer guides to give the Spiritual Exercises.

Today we have over 40 trained Ignatian prayer guides, 35o Alumni of the Spiritual Exercises and over 1,000 people who have participated in our short programs.





The Spiritual Exercises gave me the gift to know and love Jesus in a deeper, more intimate way. My interior life was strengthened and now, as a Prayer Guide, I’m able to be present with others and witness their discovery of who Jesus is for them.

The Spiritual Exercises have brought me to a new awareness of God's presence in my life. The Examen helps me to notice how Jesus is helping me on a daily basis. It's amazing to see how He works in my life and in the lives of those I guide in the Spiritual Exercises. 

Experiencing the Spiritual Exercises was life-giving and transformative. Now I guide others through the Sp.Ex’s. I love participating in their transformation process and, as I pray for them and with them, I continue to be transformed.

The Spiritual Exercises taught me, one small step at a time, to become more aware of God in the present moment. I’m deeply grateful for God’s grace that drew me to commit to a deeper prayer life and a closer relationship with Jesus. I'm in my third year of training to be a Prayer Guide. 

I experienced the Spiritual Exercises in 2003. It was and is, a great gift which offers peace and a deeper connection with Jesus Christ. I’ve guided the Spiritual Exercises since 2006. It’s always a humbling and sacred experience.


I haven’t found a better way to help a person experience God than through guiding the Spiritual Exercises. They truly are a gem for the people, a secret that many more need to know about!"



"Lord, grant that I may see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly." — St. Ignatius, (Sp. Ex. #104) 


"Lord, grant that I may see you more clearly, love you more dearly, and follow you more nearly." — St. Ignatius, (Sp. Ex. #104) 




Ignatius of Loyola was born in 1491, the thirteenth child of a noble family. Ignatius left Loyola to take up life at court at the age of 16. Gallant, brave and honorable he became a soldier at the age of twenty-six and engaged in minor skirmishes for the Crown. In 1521, the French attacked Pamploma where Ignatius was stationed with his small band of soldiers. They were outnumbered in battle but Ignatius refused to give up the city. A cannonball thundered through the walls of the fortress and shattered Ignatius’ leg. 

The re-setting of his leg was a failure. During convalescence at Loyola, Ignatius noticed a protrusion of bone and realized one leg was shorter than the other. Fearful that the deformity would put an end to his career as a Knight, Ignatius commanded doctors to break and reset his leg and saw off the protruding bone. For 6 months Ignatius was immobile. Wracked with pain, Ignatius had nothing to do but to be still and read. His caregiver could only find two books in the family castle, “The Life of Christ” and a book of stories about the saints. 

As Ignatius reflected on what he was reading and dreamed about his future, he noticed and paid attention to the interior reactions that he was experiencing. He realized that dreams of returning to his life as a Knight, although initially attractive, left him feeling inwardly dry and discontented. On the other hand when he imagined devoting his life to Christ like the saints had done, he experienced a deep sense of joy. This was the beginning of Ignatius journey into spiritual discernment and His adventure with God. 

When he recovered, Ignatius left his stately home with a dream of going to Jerusalem. He travelled extensively, gave away his worldly possessions and focused on caring for the sick and the poor. For a period of 10 months he stayed at Manresa, spending hours in solitary prayer and working with the terminally ill. It was during this period that Ignatius carefully discerned the interior movements within his soul: the feelings, thoughts, desires and attractions that led him toward intimacy with Christ and alternative movements: reactions, feelings, thoughts and distractions that drew him away from Christ and hindered his spiritual growth. At Manresa Ignatius had several experiences of Christ that marked his life and led him to see the world in a new way. He began to record his spiritual insights and have conversations with others about the spiritual life, always being careful to record what he learned and experienced. These notes later became the foundation for a manual on prayer, which he would name the Spiritual Exercises.

At the age of thirty-three, Ignatius decided to train for the Priesthood. Unfortunately, he had no knowledge of Latin which was necessary for a vocation in the Church. So he returned to school and studied Latin with children for two years. He later went on to the University of Paris to study theology and philosophy. Throughout his years of study he continued to preach, teach and offer the Spiritual Exercises. He was arrested by the Spanish Inquisition on more than one occasion. Although they limited his public teaching, they found no heresy in the Spiritual Exercises and did not prohibit Ignatius from offering them.

Whilst studying in Paris, young men were drawn by Ignatius' experience of God and his vision to serve Christ in the world. Together they professed vows of chastity and poverty. They travelled, preached, gave the Spiritual Exercises and served in hospitals. 

Ignatius was ordained as a Priest in Venice in 1537. He still had a dream of traveling to the Holy Land but was now prohibited from going due to the war between Venice and the Ottoman Empire. Ignatius and his band of men headed toward Rome. Along the way, Ignatius experienced another mystical vision in the town of La Sorta. This vision would inspire the mission that the band of men committed to: “to know, love and serve Jesus Christ," and it would inform their choice of name: “The Society of Jesus.” 

Their religious order was formally constituted by the Pope in 1540 and the Jesuits dispersed throughout the world to serve those in greatest need. Ignatius spent his latter years in Rome writing the constitutions of the Jesuit Order and refining the Spiritual Exercises. He died on July 31st, 1556. At his death the society had over a thousand men working throughout Europe, Japan and South America. The Spiritual Exercises continue to be foundational to the identity of "The Society of Jesus" and their mission and ministry of service in the world. Ignatius was canonized in 1622.





Executive Director
Michael is the author of Becoming the Good News: A New Approach to Parish Evangelization, and Your Church Wants to Hear from You: What is the Synod on Synodality? and a regular contributor to Give Us This Day. He was a Bernardin Scholar at Catholic Theological Union, and was formed in Ignatian Spirituality through his Rockhurst High and Loyola University Chicago education, as well two experiences of the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life and many Ignatian retreats. In addition to his work at the Center, he is the Director of Mission and Ministry at St. Francis Xavier Parish in Kansas City.

Board Chair
Mary is the founder of MMB Connect, LLC a philanthropic consulting firm in Kansas City. Prior to forming her new venture, she was the VP of Advancement of Rockhurst University. Mary earned her B.A. in Communications and Not for Profit Leadership from Rockhurst University, as well as, an EMBA in Advanced Leadership certification, Organizational Leadership. Mary made the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in 2019 - 2020 and has been a great ambassador for the Ignatian Spirituality Center ever since.

Board Vice Chair
Laurie made the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in 2014-2015  through the Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City. She felt a desire to become an Ignatian prayer guide through the Center and completed training in 2017. Laurie guides the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life and shorter retreats. She is a Rockhurst College alumnae, and following graduate school, returned to Rockhurst University to work as a librarian in the Greenlease Library for 36 years, the last 14 years as the Library Director, until her retirement in 2021. During this time she was blessed to be part of the Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Ignatian Colleagues Program, and serve on mission and ministry committees at the university. Laurie feels that through her Jesuit education and professional work experiences, and especially the Spiritual Exercises,  God provided her with the opportunity to serve Him and others.

Board Secretary

Kate has a long history with the Ignatian Spirituality Center most notedly as our Executive Director from 2008 - 2015. Kate is delighted to be on the Board and brings her experience as an innovator in building entrepreneurship opportunities in Kansas City and selected national cities since 1991. She has held several roles with the Kauffman Foundation, KCSourceLink and SourceLink. Kate also chaired the board for NetWork Kansas, a SourceLink affiliate, and serves on their Startup Kansas Loan and Capital Multiplier Venture Fund committees. She has been involved in fundraising for the Kansas City Symphony for more than 30 years as part of the Kansas City Symphony Alliance.  She holds a bachelor in journalism degree from the University of Missouri – Columbia and an MBA from Rockhurst University.

David L.png

David started as the President of Rockhurst High School in July 2018. For over 30 years David has work in Jesuit secondary education in a variety of roles at Creighton Prep, St. Louis University High School and Rockhurst High School. David has also worked with the Society of Jesus both nationally and internationally on a variety of occasions. David is a graduate of Creighton University in Omaha for both undergraduate and graduate degrees. David’s wife is Kelly and together they have four adult children.

Lori made the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in 2012 and became an Ignatian Prayer Guide in 2018.  She chairs the Center’s program committee and facilitates and teaches the Center’s Ignatian Spirituality classes. Lori holds a M.A. in Christian Spirituality and a graduate certificate in Spiritual Direction and Directed Retreats from Creighton University. She is a retired health actuary and product development manager with degrees in Mathematics, Statistics and Computer Science from the University of Nebraska and is a Fellow of the Society of Actuaries.  Lori is also the mother of two adult children.  

Katherine is associate vice president of university marketing & communications at Rockhurst University, where she serves as university spokesperson and counsel to leadership on messaging and strategic communication. In addition, she is editor of RU magazine, serves on the crisis management team, the RU Neighborhood Council and oversees media relations efforts and the Center for Arts and Letters. She has enjoyed deepening her understanding of Ignatian spirituality throughout her time at Rockhurst through learning opportunities, retreats and professional experiences at sister Jesuit higher education institutions. She made the Spiritual Exercises through the Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City in 2019-20 and has enjoyed classes through the center. She holds a Bachelor of Science in journalism from the University of Kansas, a Master of Arts in English from the University of Missouri-Kansas City and an MBA from Rockhurst University.

Larry is an Episcopal Priest, who is married to an Episcopal Priest – Christy Dorn, and has two young adult daughters adopted as young girls from China. He currently serves as Pastor of St. Mary Magdalene Episcopal Church. He made the complete Spiritual Exercises as a young man, and more recently made the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in 2017. Ignatian Spirituality has found a home in his life, and he is grateful to be able to accompany others in growing closer to Christ and living the Gospel. He has an undergraduate degree in Philosophy and Psychology from St. Louis University, a Master of Divinity from Boston College, an MBA from Rockhurst University, and a Doctor of Ministry in Christian Spirituality from Virginia Theological Seminary.

Jeff made the Spiritual Exercises in 2017-2018.  Jeff has long been a devotee of the Jesuits and believes that Ignatian Spirituality has been one of the most important influences on his life.  Jeff has been a practicing attorney for over 30 years and currently serves as the Office Managing Partner for the Husch Blackwell law firm in Kansas City.  Consistent with the Ignatian call to service, Jeff also serves on boards for several civic and philanthropic organizations in the Kansas City area.  Jeff is a graduate of St. Louis University High School, and the University of Missouri - Columbia for his English and Law degrees.  Jeff and his wife, Amy, have four adult children.

Fr. Derrick was born and raised in Houston, Texas.  He studied at Loyola University Chicago and Boston College in preparation for ordination to the priesthood.  Prior to coming to Kansas City, he served as pastor of St. Charles Borromeo Parish and St. Ignatius Elementary School in Grand Coteau, Louisiana.  Fr. Derrick currently serves as superior of the St. Peter Claver Jesuit community in Kansas City.  He is also engaged in ministry at Rockhurst High School, Rockhurst University, St. Francis Xavier Parish, and the Ignatian Spirituality Center.


Kelly has participated in programs of the Ignatian Spirituality Center for several years and joined the marketing committee in 2023 to help share the message of St. Ignatius and the Center across Kansas City. She is the founder of Voyage Consulting Group, the firm that helps companies link purpose, principles, people, and profit by focusing on company culture and leadership. She also is an adjunct professor in the MBA program for Rockhurst University and serves on boards for several organizations. She holds an MBA from Rockhurst University and BA from Saint Mary’s College Notre Dame. Kelly and her husband, Bob, have one daughter and large extended families in Kansas City and Pittsburgh PA.

Anthony Re is a life-long product of Catholic education, and he was introduced to the Jesuits and to Ignatian Spirituality as a freshman at St. Louis University High School. He has since earned degrees at Loyola University Chicago and Creighton University, and he is currently pursuing a doctorate at the University of Saint Mary. Anthony currently serves as a faculty member at Rockhurst High School in the Social Studies department and as the Director of the school’s Hurtado Scholars Program. He also works closely with Rockhurst High School students through retreats and service immersion programming. In the past, Anthony has worked for an incubator for start-up companies as well as taught refugee students in the Chicago Public Schools system for several years. Anthony first experienced the Spiritual Exercises in 2020-2021 during the heart of the pandemic, and he looks forward to walking with others as they experience the wonderful programming offered by the ISC!

John made the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in 2021-22 and became an Ignatian Prayer Guide in 2024. He has worked as a professor and administrator at Wichita State University since 2005. John has degrees from Dickinson College, Lehigh University, the University of Pennsylvania, and Penn State. (He is originally from Pennsylvania.) He currently lives in Wichita, Kansas with his wife and three daughters.


Regina is the Program Coordinator for the Ignatian Spirituality Center just celebrating her first year. She recently became acquainted with the center after attending an individual retreat. She was born and raised in Kansas and attended the University of Kansas. She then began a career as a Licensed Insurance Agent earning a designation as a Certified Insurance Counselor before retiring after 25 years. She is a lifelong Catholic and is currently an active parishioner at Church of the Nativity in Leawood, where she served as a past board president for the Women of Nativity. Additionally she also works part time with her husband David in their apparel consulting business where they reside in Leawood with their two pups.

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If you believe that you, or someone you know, has been a victim of abuse involving a Jesuit or anyone affiliated with the Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City, you are encouraged to contact law enforcement, the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, and the Jesuits USA Central and Southern Province.