• Rockhurst High School (Xavier Hall) (map)
  • 9301 State Line Road
  • Kansas City, MO, 64114
  • United States

Every year the Church at large—and now Pope Francis—challenges us to make Lent a time to renew our relationship with Christ.  The Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City invites you to do so by participating in a group Lenten Prayer Experience.  The prayer group will meet with an experienced Ignatian prayer guide who will facilitate this prayer experience on 6 Wednesday mornings (9:00 to 10:30) during Lent. 

This prayer experience is designed to develop a more personal experience of Jesus Christ, a deeper sense of gratitude and finding God in all things.  You will commit to pray daily with guided prayer experiences for about 30 minutes and meet weekly with a small group and the prayer guide.  This group prayer experience begins on Ash Wednesday and will end the Wednesday before Easter, with the Wednesday of Spring Break off.

$50 (includes all prayer materials)