“Let those that have ears, let them hear.”
with Fr. Greg Carlson, SJ and Fr. Larry Gillick, SJ
Father Greg Carlson, S.J., is Associate Professor of Literature and Theology at Creighton University and Associate Director of the Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality in Omaha. An award-winning teacher with a doctorate in Classics from the University of Heidelberg, he has complemented his research on ancient poets and storytellers with wide-ranging presentations and interactions on Ignatian Spirituality. He works in the formation of younger Jesuits, with Creighton faculty and with students in retreats and spiritual direction.
Father Larry Gillick, S.J., was ordained in 1972. He serves as Director of the Deglman Center for Ignatian Spirituality at Creighton University. He is a sought after retreat master around the country and spiritual director of students, faculty and alumni at Creighton University.
This day of reflection will offer a chance to listen more deeply for God and to listen with Jesus. Fr. Larry and Fr. Greg will offer insights, encouragements and points for prayer and give you time to listen with Jesus throughout the day.
“Ignatian Spirituality is relational not rule-lational.” - Fr. Larry Gillick, S.J.
Saturday, April 20, 2024 - General Schedule
The day will follow the flow of retreat with talks, time for personal prayer and spiritual conversation. The schedule is approximate after the start time of 9:00am
8:30am – Check-in and Continental Breakfast
9:00am – Welcome, Introductions, Day of Retreat Begins
Boxed Lunch Provided (beginning around 11:30am to 12:00pm)
4:00pm / 5:00pm - Day of Reflection concludes. Sunday Vigil Mass will begin at 4pm at the latest. The liturgy readings will inform the day.
COST: $95, $50 (Young Adults)
Scholarships available, please email Susan Friedrichsen
REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, April 14, 2024
PLEASE NOTE: Within your emailed receipt is a link to order a boxed lunch for the day. Please fill that out as soon as you are able.