Ignatian Spirituality Readings — Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City

Readings in Ignatian Spirituality

Ignatian Spirituality Readings is a follow-up for those who have completed the Spiritual Exercises but are not participating in the Ignatian Foundations Program. 

The purpose is to provide those who have completed SEEL with further insight and to deepen their knowledge about the spirituality of St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Jesuits, who wrote the Spiritual Exercises. 

Participants in this program will meet via zoom beginning at 7:00 pm on the following dates:  September 21, October 12, November 9, December 14, January 11, February 8, March 14, and April 11. 

At each monthly session, assigned readings on Ignatian Spirituality will form the focus of the discussion and sharing.  Themes include the Life of St. Ignatius, Finding God in All Things, Prayer, the Spiritual Exercises, and Discernment.

The maximum number of participants will be ten and attendance at all eight sessions is expected. 

Participants will purchase the following books:

An Ignatian Spirituality Reader ed. George W. Traub, S.J.

What is Ignatian Spirituality?  David L. Fleming, S.J.  

Click on the book images for links to purchase online.

Participants will have completed the Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life Retreat with ISC.

COST: $60, scholarships are available. Please email connect@ignatiancenterkc.org to inquire.
