6:30 PM - 7:45 PM CST via ZOOM

If you desire to encounter Christ more deeply in your life and would like to journey with others, this might be the retreat experience for you this new year! This retreat was designed as a follow up to weekend retreat experiences. It is an excellent spark for those who have made weekend retreats as well as our shorter 6 - 8 week individual and group retreats. It is also suggested for those who made the full Spiritual Exercises in Everyday Life in the past and desire to get back into a structured daily prayer practice.

Participants will:

  • Pray daily for about 30 minutes with scripture

  • Practice Ignatian prayer methods – meditation, contemplation, and the examen

  • Meet weekly online for spiritual conversation in facilitated small groups (Zoom meetings)

Retreat Contents

  • Week One – God Cares for Me Intimately

  • Week Two – God’s Plan

  • Week Three - God’s Project

  • Week Four – Out of Chaos into His Image

  • Week Five – Sin in the World, Sin in Me

  • Week Six – My Sin, God’s Mercy

  • Week Seven – The Word was made Flesh

  • Week Eight – Jesus of Nazareth, Our Model

  • Week Nine – Through Death to Glory

  • Week Ten – Living Always in Communion

  • Week Eleven – Mature Discipleship

  • Week Twelve – Living Christ in the World

Joseph A. Tetlow, SJ and Carol Atwell Ackels

YOUR GUIDES: Ray and Julie Reuter

BOOK: You will need to acquire the book before the retreat begins. There are two ways you can get the book. Order online with Jesuit Sources or purchase a copy from our main office at St. Francis Xavier Church (address at the bottom of this webpage). The cost of the book is $38.95.

COST OF THE RETREAT: $60 (book not included), scholarships are available, call 816-381-9168.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, January 16, 2022