Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and steadfast spirit within me.
— Psalm 51:10

Do you believe God cares for you and wants to cleanse your heart? Logicially, we know God cares for us but sometimes we act as if God’s love and mercy cannot change us. St. Ignatius found for himself that daily interaction with God in intentional prayer can change a person’s life. Spending time in daily conversation with God gives God an opening to make a difference in our lives.

Making a retreat can be a privileged way to deepen your relationship with God and meeting with a prayer companion weekly can help foster increased attentiveness to God and ability to more deeply receive God’s love and mercy. Our individually-directed prayer retreats provide you with a your own Ignatian prayer guide. After an initial meeting to begin the retreat, you will pray daily and meet weekly with your guide for the following six weeks.

Please note: We will follow CDC guidelines during the time of the retreat. We do hope you will be able to meet in person your prayer guide, but will adjust as needed to meet safely guidelines. Retreats can be entirely virtual if you prefer as well.


  • Pray daily for about 30 minutes

  • Journal your experience so that you can recall for your weekly meeting with your guide

  • Practice Ignatian methods of prayer.

  • Grow in awareness of God’s self-communication to you.

  • Meet with your guide at a mutually agreed upon date and time each week for approximately 45 - 60 minutes.

NOTE: There are a limited number of prayer guides available.

COST OF RETREAT: $50 - $90, scholarships are always available.

REGISTRATION DEADLINE: Sunday, February 20, 2022

Mosaic (Cova Manresa, Spain) by Marko Rupnik, SJ