This course is an introduction to the practice of contemplative listening in the Ignatian tradition. Students will have an opportunity to learn the foundations and practicalities of contemplative listening that is needed to guide retreatants in the Spiritual Exericses in Everyday Life and our other retreat offerings.

This course is for Ignatian Prayer guides of the Ignatian Spirituality Center of Kansas City and is open to new as well as veteran guides.

Hoped for Outcomes:

  • Become aware of and begin to recognize that God is always active in a person’s experience of prayer and life.

  • Become aware of and begin to recognize that God’s activity can be observed, savored and deepened.

  • Gain knowledge in the connection between one’s contemplative prayer life and one’s ability to guide in the Ignatian tradition.

  • Receive confirmation in one’s call to serve as an Ignatian prayer guide and an ease in guiding retreatants through the Spiritual Exercises.

We will use presentations, small group sharing and experiential triads to help us to explore this material and integrate it into our experience of contemplatively listening to others.

When: Tuesday Evenings, August 10, 17, and 24 - 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM (via Zoom)
and Saturday, August 28 from 8:30 AM - 11:30 AM (in person - Location TBD)
(Due to the collaborative nature of this course, attendance to all sessions is required.)

Where: Zoom for the evening meetings and on location in Kansas City TBD for Saturday Morning.

Require Textbook: The Practice of Spiritual Direction by William A. Barry, SJ and William Connolly, SJ

Instructors: Nancy Seibolt and Susan Friedrichsen

NOTE: Registration info was sent in an email to all guides on July 10, 2021

If you did not receive the email or cannot find it, please fill out the form below to get more info and to receive a registration link.